Be prepared when your pet needs you the most. Pet health insurance helps you be prepared when your pet become ill or has an accident. With all the insurance companies out there, how do you which one is the best for you pet?
Compassionate Care Veterinary Hospital of Charlotte highly recommends Trupanion Pet Insurance. Trupanion is not like the others, they are an actual insurance company with a simple plan, no limits and covers 90% of veterinary costs. Seeing is believing!
Why Trupanion
Choosing the Right Pet Insurance Provider
Choosing the right pet insurance provider and policy can be a daunting
(and sometimes confusing) task. Start here to see how we compare to our competitors.
(and sometimes confusing) task. Start here to see how we compare to our competitors.
Why Trupanion Pet Insurance
With Trupanion, you'll be able to provide your puppy, kitten, dog, or cat the best medical care possible. You can enroll with a low monthly premium and no deductible, or customize your plan to fit your budget. Trupanion is an affordable way to help protect your pet and yourself.
Top 3 Reasons to Choose Trupanion
One Simple Plan - Pet insurance can get pretty complicated when you have to sort through several plans and levels. At Trupanion, we want to make pet insurance simple and easy to understand. Our comprehensive pet insurance policy covers surgeries, diagnostic tests, medications, treatments and hospital stays if your pet gets sick or injured. We also reimburse from your actual veterinary bill so you don’t have to worry about a predetermined benefit schedule.
90% Coverage - Trupanion covers 90% of actual veterinary costs for approved accident and illness claims, less the exam fee and optional deductible. Full 90% coverage is available at any veterinary clinic, emergency care center or specialty hospital.
No Payout Limit - With Trupanion, your pet receives unlimited lifetime pet insurance coverage. Trupanion does not impose any per incident limits, annual limits, or lifetime limits on the amount of care your pet can receive.
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